About Astrology:
An astrological birth chart, also known as a horoscope, serves as a blueprint of an individual's psyche. It reflects the celestial positions at the moment of a person’s birth, echoing the ancient hermetic law of correspondence: “As above, so below.” However, it merely outlines an individual's potential rather than dictating how they will live their lives. Ultimately, we shape our own destinies and create our own experiences. Astrology doesn't predict fate; instead, it describes the seeds we're born with. How we nurture and cultivate these seeds, and whether they flourish or wither, is our own responsibility—as we are the gardeners of our lives.
The French philosopher Voltaire describes it well in his philosophical work Le Candide: “Il faut cultiver notre jardin” (We must cultivate our garden). This is his simple conclusion at the end of the long tale of Candide’s adventures. I think Voltaire meant it literally as well as symbolically. Referring to the healthy activity of gardening as it brings us in touch with nature and its mysterious cycle of life and death, but also because it produces concrete results in the form of nourishment for man and animals. However, on a symbolic level I think he meant that we ought to cultivate our inner gardens and tend to our vitality, needs, hopes, talents, longings and even our conflicts, fears and limitations in order to develop our full potential.
The complex symbolic language of Astrology is made up of three major components: The ten planets which represent ten different dimensions of experience, the twelve zodiac signs which represent the style in which those experiences will play out and the twelve astrological houses which will show in what area of life they will all unfold. The planets are connected with each other through geometric angles, called the aspects, which describe the relationships between them.
The complex symbolic language of Astrology is made up of three major components: The ten planets which represent ten different dimensions of experience, the twelve zodiac signs which represent the style in which those experiences will play out and the twelve astrological houses which will show in what area of life they will all unfold. The planets are connected with each other through geometric angles, called the aspects, which describe the relationships between them.
To illustrate, envision our lives as a grand stage: The ten planets represent the roles in our play, symbolizing various aspects of our psyche. The twelve astrological signs depict the manner in which these characters express themselves. The stage set symbolizes the areas of life where the players unfold their potentials, represented by the twelve astrological houses. The relationships among the characters are described by the aspects.
Astrology serves as a powerful tool for understanding our inner selves. By gaining awareness of our internal dynamics, we can actively participate in crafting our own narratives and shaping our lives in a constructive manner. Thus, we become more conscious creators and architects of our destinies, rather than just being tossed around by events, people, and situations we attract unconsciously. Returning once more to Voltaire's analogy of the cultivating gardener: understanding our "plants" and their specific needs enables us to foster their growth from seed to their highest expression as mature vegetation.
It takes effort, courage, patience and humility to expand our consciousness. When Knowledge matures into wisdom through personal experience, we find ourselves on the path of wholeness. Astrology is an potent means to get to “know thyself, the ancient advice carved on the portal of the oracle at Delphi.
Astrology serves as a powerful tool for understanding our inner selves. By gaining awareness of our internal dynamics, we can actively participate in crafting our own narratives and shaping our lives in a constructive manner. Thus, we become more conscious creators and architects of our destinies, rather than just being tossed around by events, people, and situations we attract unconsciously. Returning once more to Voltaire's analogy of the cultivating gardener: understanding our "plants" and their specific needs enables us to foster their growth from seed to their highest expression as mature vegetation.
It takes effort, courage, patience and humility to expand our consciousness. When Knowledge matures into wisdom through personal experience, we find ourselves on the path of wholeness. Astrology is an potent means to get to “know thyself, the ancient advice carved on the portal of the oracle at Delphi.